Welcome, and thank you for visiting our church online. We hope that our website highlights the wide variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Enjoy an epic experience

We're Changing the Way You Think About Church...
New Bethel Kingdom Faith Ministries is located in the central part of New Jersey. We have a simple faith and that is to see people come to know Jesus Christ and grow in their Christian faith. For ten years, we've been helping spread God's good news here in our community. Whether you've been attending church for years or haven't stepped into a sanctuary in decades, we hope you'll come and join us Sunday if you're looking for a church in our hometown. When you come to join us for the first time, Violent Bridgman who is one of our greeters will be glad to help you become comfortable. If you'd like, they'll help you find the restrooms, sanctuary and, of course, meet our Pastor and his wife after the service.
Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 6am - 6pm
Wed: 6pm - 8pm​​
​Sunday: 10am - 8pm

Best seller
by Melvin Fleming
Do you know that many people don't have nothing because they ain't saying nothing"

New Bethel Kingdom Faith Ministries, Inc. 25 Weber Avenue Ewing, New Jersey 08638 Phone:609-882-2792 Melvin Fleming - Senior Pastor
©2018 by NBKFM, inc. All Copy Rights Reserved